Friday, June 22, 2012

The Foreign Policy of the European Union: Assessing Europe’s Role in the World
Federiga Bindi and Irina Angelscu, editors
The intense attention to the Greece’s June election underscores the importance of not only the European Union’s global economic and financial roles, but also of the EU’s relationship to the rest of the world. Against this backdrop, editors Federiga Bindi and Irina Angelescu take up the state of European foreign policy in their updated edition of The Foreign Policy of the European Union: Assessing Europe’s Role in the World.

The volume’s contributors show that the EU’s internal troubles have affected its “soft power” and the overall appeal of the EU model. According to Bindi and Angelescu, it is clear that EU foreign policy has evolved as a patchwork, an amalgam of issue areas thrown together with little thought to overall strategy. As the European economic crisis continues, this volume offers keen insight into the EU’s foreign policy merits and daunting challenges.

Praise for The Foreign Policy of the European Union

"The Foreign Policy of the European Union is a very valuable book. It explains a complex and multi-dimensional subject as clearly and comprehensively as possible. I would highly recommend it for scholars and practitioners alike."
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