
Thursday, September 27, 2012

57 Social Media Policy Examples and Resources 

Over time I’ve found myself doing more and more foundational work for organizations looking to dip their toes into social media. One of the key elements of this work, in my opinion, is creating a social media policy that fits well with the organization’s goals, culture and risk tolerance.
But where to start?
As it happens, lots of organizations publish their social media guidelines online, ready for you to review and use yourself. Here are 57 great social media policy templates and resources to use when building your own.

Social Media Policies and Guidelines

American Express Open Forum3 Great Social Media Policies to Steal From (Kodak, Intel, IBM)
American Institute of ArchitectsPolicy on Staff Use of Social Media
American Red CrossOnline Communications Guidelines
Australian Public Service CommissionInterim protocols for online media participation
BBCUse of social networking, microblogs and other third party websites
BBCEditorial Guidelines
British TelecomSocial Media Guidelines
Best BuySocial Media Policy
Chartered Institute of Public RelationsCode of Conduct
CiscoInternet Postings Policy
Coca ColaOnline Social Media Principles
DellOnline Communications Policy
FedExBlog Policy
FeedsterCorporate Blogging Policy
Fellowship ChurchBlogging Policy
FlickrCommunity Guidelines
General MotorsBlogger Policy
Georgia TechGuidelines for Student Blogging
Harvard Law SchoolCorporate Blogging Policies and Guidelines
Hill & KnowltonPledge for Bloggers
HPBlogging Code of Conduct
IBMSocial Computing Guidelines
IntelSocial Media Guidelines
International Olympic CommitteeIOC Blogging Guidelines
Jaffe PRSocial Media Policy Procedures and Social Network Policy Procedures
Kaiser PermanenteSocial Media Policy
KodakSocial Media Tips
LiveWorldCreating social media guidelines for your employees
Mayo ClinicParticipation Guidelines
Mayo ClinicComment Policy
Mayo ClinicFor Mayo Clinic Employees
Mosman Municipal CouncilTwitter Guidelines
OperaEmployee Blogging Policies
OracleSocial Media Participation Policy
PlaxoCommunication (Blogging) Policy
Porter NovelliBlogging & Social Media Policy
RazorfishEmployee Social Influence Marketing Guidelines
ReutersSocial Media Guidelines
Robert ScobleThe Corporate Weblog Manifesto
U.S. Air ForceBlog Assessment
U.S. Air ForceNew Media and the Air Force
U.S. Coast GuardSocial Media – The Way Ahead
U.K. Civil ServicePrinciples for Participation Online
Yahoo!Employee Blog Guidelines

Other Social Media Policy Resources

Dave FleetCorporate Social Media Policies eBook
About.comBlogging and Social Media Policy Sample
Business WeekA Twitter Code of Conduct
Doug CorneliusBlogging/Social Internet Policy (for law firms)
Electronic Frontier FoundationHow to Blog Safely (About Work or Anything Else)
Elizabeth HannanCorporate Social Media Policy Guidelines
MashableShould Your Company Have a Social Media Policy?
Nonprofit Technology NetworkTips for Writing Your First Social Media Policy
Shift CommunicationsSocial Media Guidelines Template
Social Computing JournalEnterprise Social Media Usage Policies and Guidelines
Social Media GovernancePolicy Database
SocialFishSocial Media, Risk, and Policies for Associations
SocialFishDrafting Social Media Guidelines
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